Natsuko HAGIHARA, Tokyo, JAPAN

I trekked along Ghorepani Circuit of Annapurna region with my guide, Prem Thapa, for 6 days in early October 2007. It was very short time, but my first visit to Nepal became beautiful, wonderful, fun-filled and unforgettable moments. We had not only a wonderful trekking with beautiful Himalayan mountain views and Nepalese country views, but also singing Nepalese songs, dancing Nepalese dances and playing Nepalese flute or drum with Nepalese people or foreign trekkers day and night! We laughed loudly many times making jokes, and kidding each other on trekking. But he took always care so that I did not get hurt or fall sick, too. He speaks fluent English. And he is deeply knowledgeable about his country Nepal. So I could learn a lot of Nepalese culture, climate and Nepalese people from him. Sometimes I strolled feeling soothing atmosphere in deep and beautiful forests, in quiet except birds singing and our footsteps. Oh, yes, if you like bird-watching, you would have a great time for birding on trekking. He had professional experiences of bird-watching guide at Royal Chitwan National Park. This time I made really a good decision to hire him as my trekking guide. Of course I am very looking forward to trekking with him again.